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How to create Audiences based on Tags

You can segment your lists based on specific tags using Audiences.

To create au audience, go to Contacts tab -> Audiences – > Create Audience.

You will be prompted to give your audience a name, choose the lists you want to target and add the “Tag Name” condition.
You have the option to add multiple tags by adding an additional “Tag Name ” condition to match. The contact needs either to match all the specified conditions (using AND) or one of them (using OR).

Once done, click on Save Audience.

The Audience will start processing. To view the Audience result, click on the Show Results option of your audience.


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How to manage subaccounts social calendar from your agency

You can manage your subaccounts social media calendar and create posts from your agency partner portal

  • Navigate to the menu drop-down and select Partner Portal.
  • Choose Moderation from the options.

You can locate the Social Calendar. This calendar displays all scheduled posts for your subaccounts.

Click on either Compose or Compose Short Video to begin creating a new post.

  • You’ll be prompted to select the social profiles associated with your subaccounts for posting.
  • Add text and media content to your post as desired.
  • Decide whether to publish your post immediately or schedule it for a later date.

Once your post is either published or scheduled, you can review it within your Social Calendar.

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How to import your products feed to the platform

You can import your product feeds to the platform by following the below steps:

Go to Settings – > Website Tracking code, and click on the number below the Product Feed column.

Click on Import Products in the new window.

Upload the CSV file that you have exported from your shop or you can fill in the sample product feed file available.

To update the existing product feed, turn on If an uploaded product ID exists, update record.

Next, map the product feed fields columns to the available fields in the platform.

Once done, click on Import.


When the import process is done, you will receive an email confirmation with the summary of the import.


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How to personalize your SMS message

You have the option to personalize your SMS message on the platform using Shortcode.

  • Personalizing the body text Message

First, create your SMS template by going  to Automation -> Automated Messages -> Create Automated Messages.

Choose Create SMS/MMS Template.

You can personalize your text message by adding Shortcode, for example: starting your text with: “Hello [#FIRSTNAME#]”.

  • Personalize Links inside the text message

Inside your text message, you can add your personalized links using Shortcode.

  • Personalize the media path of text message

You can personalize your media paths by using Shortcode.

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How to create your own Product Feed

You have the ability to generate your own product feed, market your products, and receive payments through the payment form. This functionality empowers you to establish your own online store (product feed) without requiring integration with platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce.

To achieve this, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Create your Product feed

  • Navigate to the Settings -> E-commerce Product Feeds -> Add Product Feed
  • Give your Product Feed a name and choose your currency.

Step 2: Add your Products

Once your Product feed is created, proceed with the following actions:
Click on “Products” located next to your Product Feed.

You have two options: you can either create a new product or import existing ones.

To add a new product:

  1. Click on “Add Product.”
  2. Fill in the product details, ensuring that you include Product name, Product ID, and Price.
  3. Click on “Create” once you’ve filled in the information.

To import products:

  1. Click on “Import Products.”
  2. Follow the provided instructions to upload your file.

Step 3: Create your Payment form

  • In the Form builder, locate the “Create New Field” section.
  • Select “Payment” from the options.
  • Click on “Products” to add the product payment field.
  • After adding the “Payment Product” field, you will be prompted to select your e-commerce store.
  • Choose the Product Feed you previously created.
  • You can then begin by clicking on “Add Product” to select an existing product or “Add New Product” to your Product feed.

For more details on how to create a payment form, you can check this link.

Once a contact completes a payment form, the payment will show in the lead profile as a completed order.

In the order details, you can see your product feed as the store name.

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Using ChatGPT plugin commands within the platform dashboard

Within the platform, you have the capability to utilize ChatGPT commands for executing a range of actions.

To achieve this functionality, please follow the below steps:

Step 1: Connecting your OpenAI Account

  1. Connect your own OpenAI account by navigating to the Connection Center and clicking on “Connect to OpenAI.”
  2.  Provide a name for your OpenAI account and enter your API key.
  3. Optionally, select this account as your default AI account.

Step 2: Using Commands

Now that you have connected your OpenAI , you can start using commands to perform various actions by going to the help icon -> AI Powered Support

Here is a list of supported actions and examples of how to use them:

Contact Management:

  • Get Contact By Email: Retrieve contact information by specifying the email address.
  • Get Contact: Retrieve contact information using the contact ID
  • Add Contact: Create a new contact by providing the necessary details
  • Edit Contact: Update an existing contact’s details.
  • Delete Contact: Remove a contact from your VBOUT account.
  • Move Contact: Transfer a contact from one list to another.
  • Add Activity: Add an activity to a contact’s timeline.
  • Get Contacts By Phone Number: Retrieve contacts based on their phone number.
  • Add Tag: Assign a tag to a contact.
  • Remove Tag: Remove a tag from a contact.
  • Get Contacts In List: Retrieve contacts within a specific list.
  • Get Contact Timeline Activities: Retrieve a contact’s timeline activities.

List Management:

  • Get List: Retrieve information about a specific list.
  • Add List: Create a new list.
  • Delete List: Remove a list from your VBOUT account.
  • Edit List: Update the details of an existing list
  • Get Lists: Retrieve a list of all existing lists.

Campaign Automation:

  • Get Campaign: Retrieve information about a specific campaign.
  • Campaign Stats: Obtain performance insights for a campaign.
  • Add Campaign: Create a new campaign. You can specify a template name to attach it to your campaign.
  • Edit Campaign: Update an existing campaign’s details.
  • Delete Campaign: Remove a campaign from your VBOUT account.
  • Get Campaigns: Retrieve a list of all existing campaigns.

Social Media Management:

  • Get Channels: Retrieve a list of available social media channels.
  • Get Calendar: Retrieve your social media publishing calendar.
  • Get Stats: Retrieve engagement metrics for a specific social media post.
  • Get Post: Retrieve information about a specific social media post.
  • Add Post: Create a new social media post.
  • Edit Post: Update an existing social media post.
  • Delete Post: Remove a social media post.

Custom Shortcode:

  • Get Custom Shortcodes: Retrieve a list of custom shortcodes.
  • Add Custom Shortcode: Create a new custom shortcode.
  • Edit Custom Shortcode: Update an existing custom shortcode.
  • Delete Custom Shortcode: Remove a custom shortcode.

An example of editing a contact using ChatGPT:


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How to launch an SMS Campaign

In some cases, you may have a list of contacts with only phone numbers and no email addresses, that you wish to upload into the platform to launch an SMS campaign.

Since the Email address is crucial in running automation, please check the following steps to launch this campaign:

  • Create a List
    To create your list, click on the Contacts option from the left sidebar, select the Lists tab from the top, and click on the Create List button:Next, Go to Fields & Form to edit your List fields. Once done Save the List.
  • Edit your CSV file
    To fill the Email address column in the CSV file, create the following formula: CONCATENATE(phone number cell, “”). The result will be for example “”.Then, drag down the cell to apply the formula to the remaining contacts.
    Now your file is ready to be imported.
  • Upload your CSV file into the List
    From the Lists page, open the menu next to your List and choose Mass Import.Choose the CSV file you have edited and map the fields.
    For more details on Mass import check this.
  • Create an Automation to send SMS messages
    Go to Automation -> Your Automations -> Create Automation.Option 1: Use the Join Trigger
    In your automation, choose the Joined trigger and link it to Twilio SMS action. In the trigger configuration, choose the List you have created.Option 2: Using the Specific date Trigger:
    In your automation, choose the Specific trigger and link it to Twilio SMS action.
    In the trigger configuration, choose the List you have created, the date to trigger and for one Time only.

    In the action configuration, you can choose a template from the drop-down list or you can choose to CREATE NEW SMS TEMPLATE, where you will be taken to the following page:

    Once you are done, Save and Publish your automation.

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How to enable Site Popup on Landing page

To enable Site Popup on your Landing page, please follow the below steps:

  1. Setup your Landing Page Domain:
    Create a CNAME record pointing it to for example “pages.”in your DNS record, then add this domain name in Landing Page Domains section in the platform for example “”.

    Go to your Landing Page -> Domain Settings and choose your verified domain.

  2. Add Website Tracking Code:
    In the Website Tracking Code section, add the same domain “” and copy the embed code.
    Please note that no need to verify the domain but make sure to turn on the status.
  3. Add the Tracking Code on your Landing Page:
    Go to your landing page, Tools -> Settings -> Tracking. Turn on the third party tracking and paste the embed code.
  4. Set up the Popup:
    Go to Site Popup, create your popup and choose your domain “” in the Page URL section.

Now, you can test your Popup by accessing your landing page URL.

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Social Media Collaboration

The built-in Pipeline Manager is a tool that facilitates collaboration within your team when creating and moderating social media posts.

When you create a social media post, you can assign it to your teammates for review and approval.

This can be accomplished by either creating a new task or assigning it to an existing task after composing your post.

Navigate to Social, and select Compose or Compose Short Video.

Choose one of the following options: Create New Task or Add To Task if it already exists. When you make a selection, you will be prompted to specify the posting scheduled date and time.

You can assign the task to the relevant team member.

The created task will be visible under the Pipeline Manager page, where you can access task details.

Click on the edit icon to either Approve, Disapprove or edit the content of the post.

If the post is approved, it will be scheduled in your social media calendar.

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How to create an email drip

In order to start your email drip setup, you need to prepare your email series first.

So start by creating your automated messages:
From the Automation tab -> Automated Messages – > Create Automated message.

Please check this for more information on how to create Automated messages.

Then, you can start building your Email drip workflow.
From the Automation tab -> Your Automations – > Create Automation.

Your automation should start with a trigger, you can use the Joined List, meaning whenever a lead signs up to your list or fill a form, the lead will enter the email drip.

Example 1 for Email drip:
When someone signs up to the list, an email is sent after 1 minute. Email 2 will be sent after 1 day, and so on. You can add as many delays and “Send Email” action as you like.
In the Send Email action, you select the automated messages you have already created. And as for delay, you can modify the delay time based on your needs.

Example 2 for Email drip:
In this scenario, we will add a condition to check if the lead has opened the first email or not.
After someone signs up for the list, an email is sent after 1 minute.
Based on the condition, checking if the lead has opened the email after 1 day or not, you can create two different email sequences as shown below.
Please note that we need always to set a delay before the condition.

To add a condition, you need to click on the setting icon on the arrow joining the 2 items and specify the condition.

In that way, you can create your own customized workflow for an email drip.

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How to replace the Support Chat by your own

While customizing your agency dashboard, you have the choice to either disable the platform Support chat box or replace it by your own for all your sub-accounts.

Go to Settings -> Whitelabel, and select Branding.

First,  you need the Activate White Label to be toggled on:

Then, you can choose to disable the default support chatbox.

Once you toggle this option, you will be able to add your custom support chat script.


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How to create a Conditional Form

Conditional forms allow you to customize the display of form fields based on specific rules. With the Form Builder, you can easily create conditional forms for use in embed forms (LiteJS), landing pages, and site popups. This guide will walk you through the steps to create conditional forms using the Form Builder.

Step 1: Access the Form Builder and Select Your List

  1. From your account, navigate to the “Lists” view.
  2. Locate the list you want to configure and click on “Fields & Form” for that list.

Step 2: Add Fields to Your Form, Including the Conditional Field

In the Form Builder interface, start by adding the necessary fields to your form, including the field that you want to make conditional.

Step 3: Define Rules for the Conditional Field

  1. Locate the field in the Form Builder that you want to make conditional.
  2. Click on the field, and then click on “Add new rule” to define the condition for its visibility.

Step 4: Configure the Rule

  1. When creating the rule, select a field from the existing ones in the form that will determine the visibility of the conditional field.
  2. Specify the necessary value or condition that triggers the visibility of the conditional field.

Step 5: Add Additional Rules (Optional)

  1. If needed, you can add more rules to further customize the visibility of the conditional field.
  2. Click on “Add new rule” to add more rules, and make sure to select the appropriate matching condition (AND/OR) between the rules.

Note: Once the rule is created you can notice that the field is labeled as Dependent.

Step 6: Save Your Form
Once you have set up the rules for the conditional field, click on “Save Form” located at the bottom right of the Form Builder interface.

Fill out the form and observe that the conditional field is displayed only when the rule is matched.

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How to post Videos on YouTube Channel

The platform enables you to manage your various Social Media Profiles in one place including sharing videos on your YouTube channel.

To post videos on your YouTube Channel, follow these steps:

  • Connecting your YouTube account
  • Composing the post

Connecting your YouTube account:

You’ll need to connect your YouTube account to the platform. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the connection center within the platform.
  2. Locate and select the YouTube option.
  3. Click on “Connect to YouTube” to initiate the connection process.

Composing the post:

Once your YouTube account is connected, you can proceed to compose and share your video on your channel

From the Social media tab, Click on Compose.

Choose the YouTube channel you wish to post to, if you have multiple channels connected.

The Account will appear on top right channel grid.

Upload your video file, and choose a compelling title for your video.

Choose Post Now, or Schedule Post to post your video on your YouTube channel. The post will appear on the calendar.


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How to export Contacts Tags

To export contacts with their tags within a list, choose the list from the left filter column, click the Columns option and select the “Tags”  option:

Once you selected Tags and all the list’s fields that you want to export, Export Contacts To Excel.

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How to create a subaccount – Pro shared Email Plan

To add a new Client License, go to Partner Portal > Accounts > Add Account:

Configure the Account the way you want:

  • Contact Name: The client’s name.
  • Business Name: The business’s name.
  • Business Email: The business’s email address which will be the account’s default email address.
  • Business Phone: The business’s phone number.
  • Business VBOUT Name: This will be the same as the Business Name.
  • Business Password: The business password that the default email address will use to login.
  • Business VAT Number: The Business’s VAT Number.
  • Disable Access to Billing: Choose whether to allow the business to access its billing page or not.
  • Use Default Agency Billing Profile: Future registrations to this plan will automatically use the agency billing profile to process monthly membership and add-on purchases. Note that you can always change the individual card on file for each sub-account in the future.
  • Limit Access to Settings: Account’s owner will not have access to users.
  • Time-zone: The account’s time zone.
  • Plan: Choose the plan Pro Shared Emails
  • Monthly Email Sent Limit: Specify the number of emails allocated for this sub-account per month. Please note that this number will be deducted from the agency monthly limit.
  • Commission Structure: Choose whether you want it to be “Discount to paid amount” or “Normal Commission Payout”.

Here’s how this page will look like after adding the required information:

Once you click on create, you will have to fill the billing information:

Afterward, the account will appear here:

You will be able to edit it here:

Once the client logs into their account for the first time, they will be redirected to this page:

Where they choose whether to go to the dashboard or start with one of these features.

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