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How to replace the Support Chat by your own

While customizing your agency dashboard, you have the choice to either disable the platform Support chat box or replace it by your own for all your sub-accounts.

Go to Settings -> Whitelabel, and select Branding.

First,  you need the Activate White Label to be toggled on:

Then, you can choose to disable the default support chatbox.

Once you toggle this option, you will be able to add your custom support chat script.


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How to create a Conditional Form

Conditional forms allow you to customize the display of form fields based on specific rules. With the Form Builder, you can easily create conditional forms for use in embed forms (LiteJS), landing pages, and site popups. This guide will walk you through the steps to create conditional forms using the Form Builder.

Step 1: Access the Form Builder and Select Your List

  1. From your account, navigate to the “Lists” view.
  2. Locate the list you want to configure and click on “Fields & Form” for that list.

Step 2: Add Fields to Your Form, Including the Conditional Field

In the Form Builder interface, start by adding the necessary fields to your form, including the field that you want to make conditional.

Step 3: Define Rules for the Conditional Field

  1. Locate the field in the Form Builder that you want to make conditional.
  2. Click on the field, and then click on “Add new rule” to define the condition for its visibility.

Step 4: Configure the Rule

  1. When creating the rule, select a field from the existing ones in the form that will determine the visibility of the conditional field.
  2. Specify the necessary value or condition that triggers the visibility of the conditional field.

Step 5: Add Additional Rules (Optional)

  1. If needed, you can add more rules to further customize the visibility of the conditional field.
  2. Click on “Add new rule” to add more rules, and make sure to select the appropriate matching condition (AND/OR) between the rules.

Note: Once the rule is created you can notice that the field is labeled as Dependent.

Step 6: Save Your Form
Once you have set up the rules for the conditional field, click on “Save Form” located at the bottom right of the Form Builder interface.

Fill out the form and observe that the conditional field is displayed only when the rule is matched.

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How to post Videos on YouTube Channel

The platform enables you to manage your various Social Media Profiles in one place including sharing videos on your YouTube channel.

To post videos on your YouTube Channel, follow these steps:

  • Connecting your YouTube account
  • Composing the post

Connecting your YouTube account:

You’ll need to connect your YouTube account to the platform. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the connection center within the platform.
  2. Locate and select the YouTube option.
  3. Click on “Connect to YouTube” to initiate the connection process.

Composing the post:

Once your YouTube account is connected, you can proceed to compose and share your video on your channel

From the Social media tab, Click on Compose.

Choose the YouTube channel you wish to post to, if you have multiple channels connected.

The Account will appear on top right channel grid.

Upload your video file, and choose a compelling title for your video.

Choose Post Now, or Schedule Post to post your video on your YouTube channel. The post will appear on the calendar.


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How to export Contacts Tags

To export contacts with their tags within a list, choose the list from the left filter column, click the Columns option and select the “Tags”  option:

Once you selected Tags and all the list’s fields that you want to export, Export Contacts To Excel.

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How to create a subaccount – Pro shared Email Plan

To add a new Client License, go to Partner Portal > Accounts > Add Account:

Configure the Account the way you want:

  • Contact Name: The client’s name.
  • Business Name: The business’s name.
  • Business Email: The business’s email address which will be the account’s default email address.
  • Business Phone: The business’s phone number.
  • Business VBOUT Name: This will be the same as the Business Name.
  • Business Password: The business password that the default email address will use to login.
  • Business VAT Number: The Business’s VAT Number.
  • Disable Access to Billing: Choose whether to allow the business to access its billing page or not.
  • Use Default Agency Billing Profile: Future registrations to this plan will automatically use the agency billing profile to process monthly membership and add-on purchases. Note that you can always change the individual card on file for each sub-account in the future.
  • Limit Access to Settings: Account’s owner will not have access to users.
  • Time-zone: The account’s time zone.
  • Plan: Choose the plan Pro Shared Emails
  • Monthly Email Sent Limit: Specify the number of emails allocated for this sub-account per month. Please note that this number will be deducted from the agency monthly limit.
  • Commission Structure: Choose whether you want it to be “Discount to paid amount” or “Normal Commission Payout”.

Here’s how this page will look like after adding the required information:

Once you click on create, you will have to fill the billing information:

Afterward, the account will appear here:

You will be able to edit it here:

Once the client logs into their account for the first time, they will be redirected to this page:

Where they choose whether to go to the dashboard or start with one of these features.

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