To ensure that URLs load correctly and avoid issues like broken links, here are some characters you should generally avoid or handle with care:

Characters to Avoid:
  • Spaces: Spaces should never be used in URLs. They are typically replaced with %20 when encoded, but it’s best to avoid them altogether and use hyphens (-) or underscores (_) instead.
  • Non-ASCII Characters: This includes characters with accents (é, à, ü), symbols (€, ©, ®), and characters from non-Latin alphabets. These characters need to be URL-encoded, which can make the URL longer and less user-friendly. If possible, stick to ASCII characters.
  • Reserved Characters: Certain characters have special meanings in URLs and should be avoided unless they are used for their intended purpose. These include:
    • # (fragment identifier)
    • ? (query string delimiter)
    • & (query string parameter separator)
    • = (assigns values to query string parameters)
    • + (represents a space in query strings)
    • % (used for URL encoding)
    • / (path separator)
Characters to Use with Caution:
  • Uppercase Letters: While technically allowed, uppercase letters can sometimes cause problems, especially on case-sensitive servers. It’s generally recommended to use lowercase letters in URLs.
  • Hyphens and Underscores: These are generally safe to use for separating words in URLs. However, some systems might treat them differently, so it’s best to be consistent in your usage.
  • Keep URLs simple and clean: Use lowercase letters, hyphens, or underscores to separate words.
  • Avoid spaces and non-ASCII characters: If you must use them, make sure they are properly URL-encoded.
  • Be mindful of reserved characters: Only use them for their intended purpose.
  • Test your URLs: After creating a URL, always test it to make sure it works as expected.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your URLs are well-formed and load correctly across different browsers and platforms.


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