Custom Shortcodes feature helps you control content, for landing pages, emails and sms, at scale and from one simple view.

Instead of changing content on many assets, like landing pages, emails, Web Push and SMS, you can apply your text edits once directly on the Custom Shortcode and the system will update the content system wide.
One example use is changing a company tag line on several landing pages and email headers. With Custom Shortcodes you only need to change the content once.

To create a custom Shortcode, go to  Settings -> Shortcodes -> Custom Shortcodes and click on Add Custom Shortcode.

Give your Shortcode a title, a name to be used and specify its content.

The Custom Shortcode can be a simple text, an HTML code, a text with multiple shortcodes.

Once created, you can use the custom Shortcodes in your landing page, email, SMS, Browser Push message, and list settings.

Examples of using these custom Shortcode:

In Landing page/ Email template:

In Browser Push Message:

In SMS template:

In List Settings:


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